(Science) Damage at Wind Farm From UFO?

Wind Farm DamageThe BBC reports that some people are blaming a UFO for damage to a wind farm in Lincolnshire that cannot be explained. One wind farm turbine was damaged and another was knocked down. Experts say even a large bird could not have done this.

UFO enthusiasts are claiming damage to a Lincolnshire wind farm turbine was caused by a mystery aircraft.

The turbine at Conisholme lost one 66ft (20m) blade and another was badly damaged in the early hours of Sunday.

County councillor for the area Robert Palmer said he had seen a "round, white light that seemed to be hovering".

Ecotricity, which owns the site, said while investigations continued they were not ruling anything out - but the extent of damage was "unique".
The most recent news is that a family claims to have spotted "tentacled UFOs" days before the wind farm reported damage.

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